Gray Squirrels 2017-2018 : Week 22 - Pine Needle Oil
Today we learned an amazingly powerful and important skill: How to safely wildcraft plants and make herbal extracts from them. Actually,...
Fireflies Spring 2018: Week 12 - Birds and Climbing Trees
As we entered the park today, we spent some time by the pond talking to the birds. We practiced our bird calls, and even saw a duck with...
Gray Squirrels 2017-18: Week 21- Animal Games
Brrr! It does not feel like Spring! On the bright side, we had so much fun making a fire and shelters in wet conditions, the weather just...
Fireflies: Spring 2018 - Week 11
What an amazing day! It started out like any other, with gratitudes and a hike. But while we were sitting along the edge of a pond making...
Herons: 2017-2018: Week 20- Creek Jumping, Snakes and Spring Plants!
What a beautiful, life-filled day! We spent the day at the swamp and saw so MUCH life! There are beautiful spring medicinal plants...
Bobcats and Tadpoles: Spring 2018- Week 10: Turtles and Boats!
There was so much to explore in the swamp on this warm, overcast day! We made boats, saw baby snapping turtles, explored the swamp and...
Gray Squirrels 2017-2018: Week 20 - Boats and Spiders
Our backpacks felt so light without all of our cold weather gear in them! The overcast day turned sunny and almost downright hot! It was...